Frequently asked questions.

We think we've covered most questions below, feel free to contact us if there is something not listed.

What's a Charge Sheet / Summons?

When you are charged with an offence, police will issue you with a Charge Sheet/Summons. This document compels you to attend court.

Other FAQs.

At the moment we are focusing on helping clients that have been charged with criminal offences by offering our fixed fee Prime Defence Package, as the process of negotiating withdrawal or reduction of charges is the legal area we have found clients are suffering the greatest injustice. We can refer civil matters to other great lawyers that specialise in that area, contact us to discuss.

We work in Magistrates’, County and Supreme Courts. Most of our work is in representing clients in the Magistrates’ Court with our fixed fee Prime Defence Package and appeals from the Magistrates’ Court to the County Court.

We can put case strategies together for the County Court and Supreme Court on a quotation basis – just contact us for a free consultation.

Our lawyers use digital tools and work smart with our clients, police, prosecutors and court which is reflected in our fixed fee Prime Defence Package and other legal services. Old-school criminal law firms are inefficient and earn fees from multiple court appearances and client conferences at their offices. Our goal is to make the process of defending police charges less stressful and costly for you.

If you’ve ever been to court you will see the queues at the  Legal Aid counter with many people unfortunately missing out. Typically Legal Aid lawyers have little to no time to get their head around your case, and in our experience many Legal Aid clients plead guilty to charges that could have been withdrawn. We created Melbourne Criminal Lawyer to provide a quality legal service at an affordable price and give our clients peace of mind that they have a great lawyer working on their case.

Traditional old-school criminal law firms can charge $,1500+ for a single appearance at court including for simple adjournments. Clients of ours have said they have spent over $5,000 that achieved very little, so it can be hit and miss depending on where you go. We hear complaints that these lawyers continue to put of progress on their case so they can continue charging fees.

Melbourne Criminal Lawyer is an ethical criminal legal service. We created the Prime Defence Package to provide clients with certainty of a fixed fee no matter how many time we have to attend court to resolve their matter. If we can get all charges withdrawn or have your matter finalised with Diversion, it costs no more. If a Plea Hearing or Contested Hearing is required, those fees are fixed too so our clients know what their maximum legal fees will be from day 1.


We defend the full array of criminal charges that can be heard at Victorian courts. We put together defence strategies for:

  • Driving and traffic offences – speeding, drink/drug driving, infringements;
  • Drug possession and trafficking;
  • Criminal damage;
  • Theft and robbery;
  • Violence offences – assaults and sex offences;
  • Firearm offences;
  • Proceeds of crime;
  • Fraud;
  • Murder and manslaughter.

97% of criminal cases resolve by way of withdrawal of charges by the prosecutor or a plea of guilty or combination of both. Bearing this in mind, our fixed fees are will cover our attendance in the following important court processes:

  • Case conferences and negotiations with police and prosecutors;
  • Mentions and Further Mentions as required;
  • Contest Mentions;
  • Plea Hearings;
  • Contested Hearings;

We also offer criminal legal services for:

  • Bail Applications;
  • Intervention orders applications;
  • Appeals;
  • Impoundment Hearings

Contact us if you wish to discuss specific legal services not covered in our fixed fee services.