Best Lawyers. Best Defence.

Best lawyers. Best defence.

Melbourne Criminal Lawyer (MCL) at Burn City Legal offers full service criminal defence to police charges with fixed fee certainty and great results.

How we can help.

MCL's criminal defence lawyers at Burn City Legal can defend any charge that is heard at the Magistrates', County or Supreme Courts.

Driving & traffic offences.

Drug offences.

Theft & deception offences.

Violence offences.

Proceeds of crime.

Weapons offences.

Criminal damage.

Public disorder.

Been charged with a criminal offence?

Our Prime Defence Package gives you certainty.

Most old-school criminal law firms will charge you per court appearance, even for basic adjournments. We don't. Our Prime Defence Package is a single fixed fee no matter how many times we have to attend court. This is all you pay if we secure withdrawal of all charges or Diversion.

With certainty of fixed fees, you get the best lawyer on your case and the best defence, without sending you broke.

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Been charged with a criminal offence?

Best results. Happy clients.